BT-Sync 是个好东西,我就靠这玩意同步单位和家里的音乐了,单位一个 NAS 家里一个 NAS,俩人一对联,音乐就自动传输了,当然,还包括其他的文件,总是很好用。
在 Ubuntu 14.04 的时候,你可以安装 Btsync-GUI 这个东西来实现 indicator 里对于 Btsync 的监控,然而在 Ubuntu 16.04 的时候,大部分 BtSync 的 PPA 里已经把这玩意都升级到了 Btsync 2.0 ,然而虽然 BTsync 升级到了 2.0 ,但是 Btsync-GUI 还是没有升级啊,它不支持最新的 2.0 啊,同时值得一提的是 BtSync 2.0 也没什么新特性,除了收费了有限制了。
所以我们完全可以在 Ubuntu 16.04 里安装 1.4 版本的 BTSync 配合老版本的 Btsync-GUI 来使用,方法还是很简单的。 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tuxpoldo/btsync
添加之后把发行版版本换为 trusty。方法有很多,最常见最简单的莫过于直接进入软件源设置里修改:
之后就是更新安装了: sudo apt update sudo apt install btsync-gui btsync-common
安装完毕后可以把那个源给勾掉了,毕竟短时间内 btsync 1.4 是不会更新了,那个 GUI 等到更新支持 2.0 的时候再说把。
附:Installation on Debian and Derivates (Ubuntu, Mint, Raspian, etc) The most easy and fast way to install the repository is to paste that at a terminal prompt: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" The script explains what it will do and then pauses before it does it asking for your permission. If you encounter any problems or prefer to do it manually, please look here. Now update the package index and install btsync-gui by pasting that at a terminal prompt `which sudo` apt-get update `which sudo` apt-get install btsync-gui On some systems the AppIndicator library is not available or maybe you do not want to use it. In this case, you may install the GTK only version of the BitTorrent Sync GUI instead: `which sudo` apt-get update `which sudo` apt-get install btsync-gui-gtk Please keep in mind, that this will work only on GTK based desktops. If you install it on other desktops like Unity, btsync-gui will start but you will see nothing and you have no control over the application! Install btsync-gui-gtk only if you know exactly what you are doing!!! If this happened, you can fix it by installing btsync-gui and rebooting your system. After the successful installation, you have to initially start BitTorrent Sync. You have various possibilities to do this: 1.Log out and log in again. Since BitTorrent Sync GUI is registered in the autostart group, it will start as soon as you log in. 2.Select BitTorrent Sync from the menu or the default application launcher of your desktop.
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