就是按照一般步骤,结果不生效。 1.直接把WMwareTools拷贝出来到桌面吧。 2.然后打开终端解压 命令:tar -xzvf VMwareTools-10.0.6-3595377.tar.gz 3.进入解压后的目录,执行:sudo ./wmware-install.pl 然后就一直回车了。 4.到最后提示成功,reboot就可以了。
但是安装时出现: 在安装vmware-tools时,出现: “The path "" is not valid path to the gcc binary”
确认安装gcc,输入路径之后/usr/bin/gcc “The path "/usr/bin/gcc" is not valid path to the gcc binary”
查找原因,找到vmware-tools-distrib/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl 文件:
找到: # # Will either return a valid path to the GCC bin or will return # nothing. # sub getValidGccPath { my $gcc_path = shift; my $modconfig = shift; my $appLoaderArgs = shift; my $answer; my $query; my $default; while (1) { if (system("$modconfig --validate-gcc \"$gcc_path\" $appLoaderArgs " . ">/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { $query = "The path \"$gcc_path\" appears to be a valid path to the " . "gcc binary."; $default = 'no'; } else { $query = "The path \"$gcc_path\" is not valid path to the gcc binary."; $default = 'yes'; $gcc_path = ''; } $answer = get_answer($query . "\n Would you like to change it?", 'yesno', $default); if ($answer eq 'yes') { # Get new path. $gcc_path = query('What is the location of the gcc program ' . 'on your machine?', $gcc_path, 0); } else { last; } } return $gcc_path; }
加入输入路径,直接返回gcc_path的值return $gcc_path; $gcc_path = query('What is the location of the gcc program ' . 'on your machine?', $gcc_path, 0); return $gcc_path;
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