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Sublime Text 3.1发布,附在Ubuntu 18.04中安装

2018-05-12 08:40:33作者:IMCN稿源:我是菜鸟

源代码编辑器Sublime Text 3.1发布了,本版本对DPI支持进行了大量改进。


Sublime Text 3.1主要更新

Windows 10/8.1 per-monitor DPI settings for handling mixed monitor configurations and on-the-fly DPI switching

Lots of improvements for high DPI support on all platforms, including 8k monitor and @3x texture support

Ligature support, with controls for customizing OpenType features and stylistic sets

Improved text rendering on Windows, now respecting ClearType tuning

Better handling of emojis in the editor control

A new color scheme format based on JSON

Improved selection rendering with expanded customization via color schemes

Syntax definitions for Git file formats to allow Sublime Text to be a better core.editor

Highlighting of fenced code blocks in Markdown

Lots of TC39-track features have been added to the JavaScript syntax

Goto References to augment Goto Definition

An improved Command Palette that can accept arbitrary user input and complex interactions

Expanded options for filtering files and folders from the sidebar

Improved handling of filesystem notifications and symlinks

Significantly improved memory usage – up to 30% in some cases

Lots of little performance improvements and bug fixes

Sublime Text 3.1发布,附在Ubuntu 18.04中安装


在Ubuntu 18.04中安装Sublime Text 3.1:

对于Ubuntu 18.04、Ubuntu 17.10及Ubuntu 16.04用户可以通过Ubuntu软件轻松安装Sublime Text 3.1(build 3170):

Sublime Text 3.1发布,附在Ubuntu 18.04中安装


对于那些不喜欢snap包的人,你可以从它的官方apt库安装Sublime Text 3。

wget -qO - https://download.sublimetext.com/sublimehq-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install sublime-text



sudo apt-get remove sublime-text && sudo apt-get autoremove



Sublime Text 3.0发布下载,在Linux下安装Sublime Text 3
