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把Fedora 28系统升级到Fedora 29系统的方法

2018-11-07 10:09:55作者:载坚稿源:云网牛站

Fedora 29已经正式发布了,如果你使用的是Fedora 28的旧版本,可以把Fedora 28系统升级到最新的Fedora 29系统,可以采用Fedora Workstation 28图形升级方法或者在Fedora 28命令行中升级成Fedora 29。

把Fedora 28系统升级到Fedora 29系统的方法


Fedora 29下载及介绍

Fedora 29正式版发布下载(附Fedora 29主要特性介绍)


在图形桌面中升级到Fedora 29的方法

如果你使用的Fedora Workstation 28收到升级消息,请单击该消息以启动GNOME软件应用程序,或者从GNOME Shell中选择Software,然后在GNOME Software中选择Updates选项卡,这个时候可以看到如下画面:

把Fedora 28系统升级到Fedora 29系统的方法

要升级则点击下载选项以获得Fedora 29的升级软件包,系统会自动升级直到完成,完成之时重新启动操作系统就可以成功升级到Fedora 29系统了。


在命令行中升级到Fedora 29的方法

要从Fedora 28升级到Fedora 29请使用DNF升级插件,按照下面的步骤操作:


sudo dnf upgrade --refresh


sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade


sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=29



sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

5、操作完以上四个步骤就可以完成Fedora 29的升级操作了。


附:Reboot and upgrade

Once the previous command finishes downloading all of the upgrades, your system will be ready for rebooting. To boot your system into the upgrade process, type the following command in a terminal:

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Your system will restart after this. Many releases ago, the fedup tool would create a new option on the kernel selection / boot screen. With the dnf-plugin-system-upgrade package, your system reboots into the current kernel installed for Fedora 28; this is normal. Shortly after the kernel selection screen, your system begins the upgrade process.

Now might be a good time for a coffee break! Once it finishes, your system will restart and you’ll be able to log in to your newly upgraded Fedora 29 system.

把Fedora 28系统升级到Fedora 29系统的方法



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