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cURL 7.61.1发布下载,一款命令行传输下载工具

2018-09-08 11:19:23作者:源为稿源:云网牛站

cURL 7.61.1已经发布下载了,该版本修复了很多BUG,共提供curl-7.61.1.tar.gz、tar.bz2、zip、tar.xz安装包。cURL是一款命令行传输下载工具,支持HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、FTPS、DICT、TELNET、LDAP、FILE和GOPHER。此外还具有cookies支持、断点续传、FTP上传、密码支持、SSL支持和代理支持等特性。curl同时还提供了一套libcurl的库,开发者可以基于这个库开发其他下载工具。cURL在Linux、Unix中应用非常的广泛,几乎支持所有的Linux,同时cURL还有Windows版本。很多Linux发行版都提供有cURL专用包,如Fedora、Debian、Redhat、Ubuntu等。


cURL 7.61.1是一个修复众多BUG的版本,包括以下更新内容:

security advisory (CVE-2018-14618): NTLM password overflow via integer overflow

CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD: fix missing counter update

CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING.3: list them comma-separated

CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION.3: might cause accidental connection reuse

Curl_getoff_all_pipelines: improved for multiplexed

DEPRECATE: remove release date from 7.62.0

HTTP: Don't attempt to needlessly decompress redirect body

INTERNALS: require GnuTLS >= 2.11.3

README.md: add LGTM.com code quality grade for C/C++

SSLCERTS: improve the openssl command line

Silence GCC 8 cast-function-type warnings

ares: check for NULL in completed-callback

asyn-thread: Remove unused macro

auth: only pick CURLAUTH_BEARER if we *have* a Bearer token

auth: pick Bearer authentication whenever a token is available

cmake: CMake config files are defining CURL_STATICLIB for static builds

cmake: Respect BUILD_SHARED_LIBS

cmake: Update scripts to use consistent style

cmake: bumped minimum version to 3.4

cmake: link curl to the OpenSSL targets instead of lib absolute paths

configure: conditionally enable pedantic-errors

configure: fix for -lpthread detection with OpenSSL and pkg-config

conn: remove the boolean 'inuse' field

content_encoding: accept up to 4 unknown trailer bytes after raw deflate data

cookie tests: treat files as text

cookies: support creation-time attribute for cookies

curl: Fix segfault when -H @headerfile is empty

curl: add http code 408 to transient list for --retry

curl: fix time-of-check, time-of-use race in dir creation

curl: use Content-Disposition before the "URL end" for -OJ

curl: warn the user if a given file name looks like an option

curl_threads: silence bad-function-cast warning

darwinssl: add support for ALPN negotiation

docs/CURLOPT_URL: fix indentation

docs/CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION: size is always 1

docs/SECURITY-PROCESS: mention bounty, drop pre-notify

docs/examples: add hiperfifo example using linux epoll/timerfd

docs: add disallow-username-in-url.d and haproxy-protocol.d to dist

docs: clarify NO_PROXY env variable functionality

docs: improved the manual pages of some callbacks

docs: mention NULL is fine input to several functions

formdata: Remove unused macro HTTPPOST_CONTENTTYPE_DEFAULT

gopher: Do not translate `?' to `%09'

header output: switch off all styles, not just unbold

hostip: fix unused variable warning

http2: Use correct format identifier for stream_id

http2: abort the send_callback if not setup yet

http2: avoid set_stream_user_data() before stream is assigned

http2: check nghttp2_session_set_stream_user_data return code

http2: clear the drain counter in Curl_http2_done

http2: make sure to send after RST_STREAM

http2: separate easy handle from connections better

http: fix for tiny "HTTP/0.9" response

http_proxy: Remove unused macro SELECT_TIMEOUT

lib/Makefile: only do symbol hiding if told to

lib1502: fix memory leak in torture test

lib1522: fix curl_easy_setopt argument type

libcurl-thread.3: expand somewhat on the NO_SIGNAL motivation

mime: check Curl_rand_hex's return code

multi: always do the COMPLETED procedure/state

openssl: assume engine support in 1.0.0 or later

openssl: fix debug messages

projects: Improve Windows perl detection in batch scripts

retry: return error if rewind was necessary but didn't happen

reuse_conn(): memory leak - free old_conn->options

schannel: client certificate store opening fix

schannel: enable CALG_TLS1PRF for w32api >= 5.1

schannel: fix MinGW compile break

sftp: don't send post-quote sequence when retrying a connection

smb: fix memory leak on early failure

smb: fix memory-leak in URL parse error path

smb_getsock: always wait for write socket too

ssh-libssh: fix infinite connect loop on invalid private key

ssh-libssh: reduce excessive verbose output about pubkey auth

ssh-libssh: use FALLTHROUGH to silence gcc8

ssl: set engine implicitly when a PKCS#11 URI is provided

sws: handle EINTR when calling select()

system_win32: fix version checking

telnet: Remove unused macros TELOPTS and TELCMDS

test1143: disable MSYS2's POSIX path conversion

test1148: disable if decimal separator is not point

test1307: (fnmatch testing) disabled

test1422: add required file feature

test1531: Add timeout

test1540: Remove unused macro TEST_HANG_TIMEOUT

test214: disable MSYS2's POSIX path conversion for URL

test320: treat curl320.out file as binary

tests/http_pipe.py: Use /usr/bin/env to find python

tests: Don't use Windows path %PWD for SSH tests

tests: fixes for Windows line endlings

tool_operate: Fix setting proxy TLS 1.3 ciphers

travis: build darwinssl on macos 10.12 to fix linker errors

travis: execute "set -eo pipefail" for coverage build

travis: run a 'make checksrc' too

travis: update to GCC-8

travis: verify that man pages can be regenerated

upload: allocate upload buffer on-demand

upload: change default UPLOAD_BUFSIZE to 64KB

urldata: remove unused pipe_broke struct field

vtls: reinstantiate engine on duplicated handles

windows: implement send buffer tuning

wolfSSL/CyaSSL: Fix memory leak in Curl_cyassl_random







