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简单且实用的文本编辑器GNU nano 3.0发布下载了

2018-09-10 09:21:11作者:王练稿源:linux社区

文本编辑器 GNU nano 3.0 发布下载了,它的代号是"Water Flowing Underground"。支持 Archlinux、Debian GNU/Linux、Fedora、Gentoo、Opensuse 等 Linux 发行版。GNU nano 3.0 版本将文件读取速度提高了 70%,处理 ASCII 文本的速度也差不多加倍。此外还更改了行边界处的文字删除方式和一些 bug 修复。

简单且实用的文本编辑器GNU nano 3.0发布下载了



GNU nano 3.0 "Water Flowing Underground" speeds up the reading of a file by seventy percent, roughly doubles the speed of handling ASCII text, changes the way words at line boundaries are deleted, makes <Ctrl+Delete> wipe the next word and <Ctrl+Shift+Delete> the preceding word, binds M-Q to 'findprevious' by default (the Tabs-to-Spaces toggle is placed on M-O, and the More-Space toggle is fully removed),makes an external spell check undoable, shows the correct number of lines on the status bar when opening multiple files, removes the 'formatter' command, removes the 'searchagain' bindable function (M-W is now bound to 'findnext' by default), moves the No-Convert toggle to the Insert menu, removes the Backup and New-Buffer toggles from the main menu (they remain in the Write-Out and Insert menus, respectively), is more precise in what it accepts as a rebindable key name,ignores any presses of <Esc> before a valid command keystroke, recognizes some more escape sequences for modified editing-pad keys, does not hide rcfile error messages on a Linux console, renames the bindable functions 'copytext' to 'copy' and 'uncut' to 'paste', and avoids a possible hang during a Full-Justify.


GNU nano介绍

GNU nano是一个体积小巧而功能强大且实用的文本编辑器,也是 Unix 和类 Unix 系统中的一个文本编辑器,是 Pico 的复制品。nano 的目标是类似 Pico 的全功能但又易于使用的编辑器。nano 是遵守GNU通用公共许可证的自由软件,自从 2.0.7 版发布,许可证从 GPLv2 升级到 GPLv3。



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跨平台文本编辑器Atom 1.30.0提供下载,新功能介绍
