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Audacity 2.3.0发布下载,开源音频录制工具

2018-10-02 10:06:25作者:王练稿源:linux站

Audacity 2.3.0已经发布下载,它可运行在Linux、Windows、Mac OS X及其他操作系统中,是一款真正的跨平台开源音频录制及音频编辑器工具。Audacity 2.3.0对近90多项BUG进行修复及进行一系列的改进。Audacity可以在Ubuntu、Gunoo、Debian、Munt上编译,但是在SUSE Linux下可能存在不成功的情况,下面也为你提供在Ubuntu下的安装Audacity的方法。

Audacity 2.3.0发布下载,开源音频录制工具


Audacity 2.3.0主要更新

1.New in Audacity 2.3.0:

New feature – “Punch and Roll Recording”

Pinned-play-head can now be repositioned by dragging

Play-at-speed now can be adjusted whilst playing.

Toolbars controlling volume and speed can now be resized for greater precision

Macros (formerly ‘Chains’) substantially extended

New Macro palette

Macros can be bound to keyboard keys

New commands

New ‘Tools’ menu

New ‘Scriptables’ commands

Nyquist gains AUD-DO command

Nyquist effects are now translatable and translated

More dialogs have help buttons now

Increased legibility of trackname display

Half-wave option for collapsed tracks

Sliding Stretch

Dialog (option) for entering labels

2.Bug Fixes

Over 90 bugs that were in 2.2.2 fixed, including:

Windows: Queen Mary 1.7.1 Vamp plug-ins crash Audacity on opening Plug-in Manager

Inconsistent behavior when recording with a selection defined

Ctrl + M does not open label for editing – bug #1852

Vertical Zoom in by clicking in the vertical Scale, or context menu, in waveform views is inconsistent

Deletion of all tracks cannot be undone

Timer Record with a selection present can get a truncated recording with data loss

Duplicate shortcuts can be created

Labels longer than 260 characters are now supported

Using Spectrogram Settings in TCP or using Preferences causes Audacity to reset Project Rate to default rate in Quality Preferences

Cut Preview should play all selected/sync-locked tracks, respecting Mute/Solo during preview






在Ubuntu 18.04 LTS或Linux Mint 19中安装Audacity 2.3.0的PPA

在软件源中增加Audacity PPA并在终端中执行命令安装:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/audacity

sudo apt install audacity


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:audacity-team/daily

sudo apt-get update



