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开源电子书管理工具Calibre 3.33.1发布下载

2018-10-20 09:07:29作者:linux人稿源:开源社区

Calibre 3.33.1 发布下载了,该版本支持 Windows、macOS、Linux 平台且增加了新的特性及 Bug 修复,下面也附上 calibre for linux 的安装说明。Calibre 是一款功能强大的电子书管理软件,支持 Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song 设备及格式。

开源电子书管理工具Calibre 3.33.1发布下载


Calibre 3.33.1主要更新


Driver for the new Kobo Forma

PDF Output: Add a new 'page number map' setting to easily modify page numbers as needed in headers/fotters and the generated inline table of contents.

Edit book: Insert image: remember size of displayed thumbnails.

Edit book: Compress images losslessly: Remember the last used compression quality for jpeg compression.

2.Bug 修复

CHM Input: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke processing of CHM files.

Fix clearing of metadata download author and tag map rules not working

Fix notifications from calibre being displayed as "Others" on the GNOME desktop


Ambito Financiero

Pagina 12


The New Zealand Herald

Various Polish news sources







1.Binary install

calibre has a binary install that includes private versions of all its dependencies. It runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel compatible machines. To install or upgrade, simply copy paste the following command into a terminal and press Enter:

sudo -v && wget -nv -O- https://download.calibre-ebook.com/linux-installer.sh | sudo sh /dev/stdin

While you wait for the download to complete, please consider contributing to support the development of calibre.

2.Source install

WARNING: calibre is a highly complex piece of software with lots of very finicky dependencies. If you install from source, you are on your own. Please do not open bug reports or expect any form of support. You have been warned.

If you're still determined to install from source, read on:

1].Make sure your system has python 2 installed.

2].Install the various dependencies listed below

3].Run the following commands in a terminal:

curl -L https://calibre-ebook.com/dist/src | tar xvJ 

cd calibre*

sudo python2 setup.py install



