功能强大的 mkv 格式制作与处理软件 MKVToolNix v28.0.0 发布下载了,该项版本支持 AV1,mkvmerge 可从 Matroska/WebM、MP4、IVF 容器文件和原始 OBU 流中读取它。mkvextract 会将其解压到 IVF 文件。除此之外还进行了一些 bug 修复,以及对可用性进行了改进。MKVToolNix 软件以前曾叫 Matroska toolkit,它支持把多种视频、音频、字幕等格式转换成 mkv 格式。MKVToolNix v28.0.0 支持 Ubuntu 18.10、openSUSE Leap 15.0、Ubuntu 18.04、Fedora 28 等主流 Linux 发行版本。
MKVToolNix v28.0.0更新详情 1.新特性和功能增强 mkvmerge: AV1 parser: updated the code for the finalized AV1 bitstream specification. mkvmerge: AV1 packetizer: updated the code for the finalized AV1-in-Matroska & WebM mapping specification. mkvmerge: AV1 support: the --engage enable_av1 option has been removed again. mkvmerge: MP4 reader: added support for AV1. mkvmerge: DTS: implemented dialog normalization gain removal for extension substreams. mkvmerge, mkvextract: simple text subtitles: added a workaround for simple text subtitle tracks that don’t contain a duration. mkvextract: added support for extracting AV1 to IVF. mkvextract: IVF extractor (AV1, VP8, VP9): precise values will be used for the frame rate numerator & denominator header fields for certain well-known values of the track’s default duration. mkvmerge: VP9: mkvmerge will now create codec private data according to the VP9 codec mapping described in the WebM specifications. MKVToolNix GUI: automatic scaling for high DPI displays is activated if the GUI is compiled with Qt ≥ 5.6.0. MKVToolNix GUI: added a menu item ("Help" → "System information") for displaying information about the system MKVToolNix is running on in order to make debugging easier. MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer, header editor: the user can enter a list of predefined track names in the preferences. She can later select from them in "track name" combo box. 2.Bug 修复 mkvmerge: JSON identification: fixed a bug when removing invalid UTF-8 data from strings before they’re output as JSON. mkvmerge: MP4/QuickTime reader: fixed handling of PCM audio with FourCC in24. mkvmerge: MPEG transport stream reader, teletext subtitles: the decision whether or not to keep frames around in order to potentially merge them with the following frame is made sooner. That avoids problems if there are large gaps between teletext subtitle frames which could lead to frames being interleaved too late. mkvextract: IVF extractor (AV1, VP8, VP8): the frame rate header fields weren’t clamped to 16 bits properly causing wrong frame rates to be written in certain situations. mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI’s header editor: fixed file corruption when a one-byte space must be covered with a new EBML void element but all surrounding elements have a "size length" field that’s eight bytes long already.
在Ubuntu系统中安装说明 注:MKVToolNix 提供 i38 和 AMD64 二进制文件。 1.先导入公共GPG密钥: wget -q -O - https://mkvtoolnix.download/gpg-pub-moritzbunkus.txt | sudo apt-key add - 增加文件到: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mkvtoolnix.download.list Ubuntu 18.10: deb https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ cosmic main deb-src https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ cosmic main Ubuntu 18.04: deb https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ bionic main deb-src https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ bionic main Ubuntu 16.04: deb https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ xenial main deb-src https://mkvtoolnix.download/ubuntu/ xenial main 运行命令: sudo apt update sudo apt install mkvtoolnix mkvtoolnix-gui 注:如果更新包列表失败,请安装 apt-transport-https 包。 2.关于Flatpak的说明 在安装Flatpak的前提下运行: flatpak install flathub org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui flatpak run org.bunkus.mkvtoolnix-gui 注:参考去Flathub安装Flatpak应用非常方便,附安装方法。 3.Fedora安装 sudo rpm -Uhv https://mkvtoolnix.download/fedora/bunkus-org-repo-2-3.noarch.rpm sudo dnf install mkvtoolnix
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