Node.js v11.0.0 正式发布下载了,从这个版本开始不再支持 FreeBSD 10 系统,其他系统如 Linux、Windows、Mac 不受影响,Node.js v11.0.0 主要对内部及性能方面进行改进,以及升级到 V8 7.0 版本,支持 Linux x64/ARM 设备。
Node.js 简介 Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行时。 Node.js 使用高效、轻量级的事件驱动、非阻塞 I/O 模型。Node.js 的生态系统是目前最大的开源包管理系统。 Node.js 是一套用来编写高性能网络服务器的 JavaScript 工具包,一系列的变化由此开始。比较独特的是,Node.js 会假设你是在 POSIX 环境下运行它 Linux 或 Mac OS X。如果你是在 Windows 下,那就需要安装 MinGW 以获得一个仿 POSIX 的环境。在 Node 中,Http 是首要的。Node 为创建 http 服务器作了优化,所以你在网上看到的大部分示例和库都是集中在 web 上(http 框架、模板库等)。
Node.js v11.0.0 重要更新 1.Build FreeBSD 10 is no longer supported. 2.child_process The default value of the windowsHide option has been changed to true. 3.console console.countReset() will emit a warning if the timer being reset does not exist. console.time() will no longer reset a timer if it already exists. 4.Dependencies V8 has been updated to 7.0. 5.fs The method now requires a callback. The previously deprecated fs.SyncWriteStream utility has been removed. 6.http The http, https, and tls modules now use the WHATWG URL parser by default. 7.General Use of process.binding() has been deprecated. Userland code using process.binding() should re-evaluate that use and begin migrating. If there are no supported API alternatives, please open an issue in the Node.js GitHub repository so that a suitable alternative may be discussed. An experimental implementation of queueMicrotask() has been added. 8.Internal Windows performance-counter support has been removed. The --expose-http2 command-line option has been removed. 9.Timers Interval timers will be rescheduled even if previous interval threw an error. nextTick queue will be run after each immediate and timer. 10.util The WHATWG TextEncoder and TextDecoder are now globals. util.inspect() output size is limited to 128 MB by default. A runtime warning will be emitted when NODE_DEBUG is set for either http or http2.
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