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Wine 6.4开发版本发布下载,附新功能及修正的38个问题介绍

2021-03-13 10:51:10作者:linux人稿源:linux站


Wine 6.4开发版本发布下载,附新功能及修正的38个问题介绍


Wine 6.4新功能







注:Wine 6.4属开发版,而Wine 6.0属稳定版。安装可参考:在Ubuntu 20.10及Ubuntu 20.04系统上安装Wine 6.0的方法


Wine 6.4更新主要概括

1、Wine 6.4主要为Secur32代码提供了对DTLS(数据报传输层安全)的初步支持。DTLS提供了类似于 TLS 的安全性,同时也是为基于数据报的UDP软件设计的。当前Windows上的DTLS被Cisco AnyConnect、OpenConnect、NetScaler等软件使用,也可以被Google Chrome和Firefox等浏览器用于WebRTC。

2、Wine 6.4还为DirectWrite带来了Fontset支持、编辑访问控制项的对话框、对一些更常见的控件的主题支持、对韩文Wansung编码的支持,以及38个已知的错误修复。这个版本中的BUG修复影响的软件包括NVIDIA PhysX、Soldiers of Anarchy、Final Fantasy XI Online和The Witcher 3等游戏。


Wine 6.4中修正的错误(共38个)

Support multiple independent displays for PowerPoint, OpenOffice.org, etc

RTG Bills 2.x (VB6 app) reports 'ADO error 1BD Object doesn't support this action' on startup (msado15 'connection_GetIDsOfNames' is a stub)

Civilization IV Beyond the Sword crashed when trying to start a new game.

Gecko should clean up when upgrading

wine can't load unstripped gecko builds

64-bit InstallShield engine COM server 'ISBEW64.exe' crashes or hangs (32-bit InstallShield based installers in 64-bit WINEPREFIX)

acid3.acidtests.org can't load with builtin IE


32-bit Turbocad 8.0 LTE 'CrashSender.exe' utility crashes in WMI Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled='True' and index=1"

Acrobat Reader XI (11.0.8): Annotations are empty

Canon MP Navigator EX 4.x/5.x installer crashes due to setupapi SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET handler/callback insufficiencies

Multiple 64-bit WDM kernel drivers want Windows 8+ 'ntdll.RtlQueryRegistryValuesEx' (WIBUKEY, Denuvo Anti-Cheat)

Soldiers of Anarchy (demos & full game, crashes with an 'Unknown error' message when starting a level

NVIDIA PhysX System Software 9.12.1031 installer fails ('Add64Bit_Reg' VBScript action needs minimal 'WbemScripting.SWbemNamedValueSet' implementation)

Multiple Qt5 applications spam the console continuously with 'fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId' ('INetworkConnection::GetAdapter' returns incorrect adapter GUID)(Futubull 10.x, Melodics V2, Topaz Video Enhance AI 1.x)

Obduction stops with "fatal error"

widl doesn't support winrt types (runtimeclass, delegate, parameterized types, ...)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim SE has rendering glitches with vulkan renderer

Entropia Universe: Won't Start the Game from Client Loader

Banished cast shadows are broken with Vulkan renderer

Multiple games (Horizon Zero Dawn, Serious Sam 4) crash on start on Nvidia due to missing unwrap for VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has missing sunlight with Vulkan renderer

Neverwinter: Broken graphics (texturing)

Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-for on a single line

Wine cmd handles incorrectly if-set when expanding variable with brackets

Final Fantasy XI Online: Opening movie doesn't play (redux).

Filmotech v3.91: partial black area

::wcsrtombs does not NULL "const wchar_t ** _PSource" parameter in Wine.

QueueUserAPC() Has Incorrect Error Set When Called On Terminating Thread

6.2 hangs on grey, then crashes Snapdragon855(+) Android 10

All Winelib applications built with winegcc/wineg++ segfault on startup as of Wine 6.3

Multiple Adobe products fail to start due to Wine 6.3 breaking Adobe License Manager/FLEXnet Licensing Service (Acrobat 8.x, FrameMaker 8)

The Suffering (Midway Games) crashes due to missing wmvcore 'IWMSyncReader2', CLSID '{faed3d21-1b6b-4af7-8cb6-3e189bbc187b}'

continuous spamming of fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile in console

notepad: menu bar items and title text are not translated.

DirectWrite should use mac platform name entry for English, if Windows entry is missing

cl.exe fails to open program database

WINEPATH env var broken by "ntdll: Set environment variables from the registry on the Unix side."






在Deepin 20/UOS下安装Wine 6.0稳定版的方法及报错的解决
