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SparkyLinux 4.8 RC发布下载,基于Debian的测试分支

2018-04-15 08:53:46作者:周其稿源:开源中国

SparkyLinux 4.8 RC 发布下载了,该款版本开发代号是 " Buster "。SparkyLinux 是一款轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行版本,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并以定制的 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面为特色。它构建于 Debian GNU/Linux 的测试分支之上。


SparkyLinux 4.8 RC更新内容:

full system upgrade from Debian stable repos as of April 11, 2018

Linux kernel 4.9.82内核

Calamares 3.1.12 with an option of installing system on an encrypted disk

added new option of live system booting which lets you choose a localization (via kernel parametr) and keyboard layout (via a new script)

sparky tools which need the root access use pkexec now instead of gksu/gksudo/kdesudo/etc.

added packages: xinit (provides startx command) and bleachbit (for cleaning the system)

temporary removed gscreenshot and replaced with sparky-screenshot

sparky advanced installer features 4 localizations now: Brazilian, English, German and Polish (more translations needed!); fixed removing partitions from the partition list after choosing and used them;


最终的SparkyLinux 4.8版本计划在5月中旬发布,并将在以下版本中提供:LXDE(完整版),MinimalGUI(Openbox)和MinimalCLI(文本模式)。





SparkyLinux 4.7稳定版发布下载,基于Debian "Stretch"版本
