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SparkyLinux 5.5正式版发布,使用Linux 4.18.6内核

2018-09-23 09:24:02作者:LINUX人稿源:开源社区

SparkyLinux 5.5 “Nibiru”正式版本已经发布下载了,它使用 Linux kernel 4.18.6 内核,基于 Debian GNU/Linux 测试分支 “Buster”,维护着多个分支及版本,采用滚动发布模式,该版本更新内容包括次要的软件包更新,默认编译器由 GCC 7 升级到了 GCC 8 版本。SparkyLinux 5.5 “Nibiru”适合老旧电脑使用,它以定制 Enlightenment 及 LXDE 桌面为主要特色,是一款轻量、快速、简单易用的 Linux 桌面版本。


SparkyLinux 5.5主要更新内容:

system updated from Debian testing repos as of September 17, 2018

Linux kernel 4.18.6 (4.18.8- & 4.19-rc4-sparky are available at Sparky “unstable” repos)

the Calamares installer updated up to version 3.2.1

Thunar daemon is deactiveted in the MinimalGUI Live (Openbox), due to problem of automounting new partitions created by Calamares

GCC 7 compiler has been removed, the system uses GCC 8 as default

removed packages: libpam-gnome-keyring, vim, imagemagick, systemd-ui, sparky-gexec, xterm (Openbox)

also removed from LXQt media: lxtask, leafpad, notepqdqq

added new packages: seahorse, rxvt-unicode (Openbox), qps (LXQt), featherpad (LXQt)

the Calamares and Advanced Installer remove Cryptsetup packages now (Calamares removes the packages if the system is not installed on an encrypted disk/partition)

a terminal emulator used by Sparky tools has been changed from xterm to rxvt-unicode with pseudotransparency (Openbox), thank’s to lami07

small fixes








SparkyLinux 5.5开发版发布,采用Linux kernel 4.17.8内核
